Hubby surprised me with a waffle maker ~ is it sad when I get excited about getting a waffle iron out of the blue?!?!
This gift also fueled my obsession with food porn so off to
Foodgawker to find a recipe for us to try. One day I too , will have drool worthy photographs of my food until then I have the snapshots of food made while three hungry little girls stare at you with eyes screaming " Enough photos already Mommy! I am hungry can I please have my plate?!?!!?
I finally decided to try the
Yeasted waffle recipe and well I had a few hiccups with this. Lesson learned when it calls for a big bowl it means a BIG bowl or else....
Positive of this little batter explosion.... the go ahead to get some more bowls for my baking / cooking obsession ^_^
I went to bed after I cleaned up the mess with my fingers crossed the the batter will work its magic overnight and I will be able to surprise the Munchkins with light airy waffles.
Look at this lovely waffle! I know it is not a perfect complete golden brown waffle ~but they come out so pretty and lacy that the girls love to see what shapes they can find
It will also serve as a great foundation for ham and eggs and Hubby will not feel guilty for eating another waffle since they are not heavy.
Have a great day and we hope that you will make these delicious waffles a try this weekend.
Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi