Wednesday, February 29, 2012


New workout started and I am really feeling EVERY muscle that the human body has and maybe even some that all the smart MD's do not know about. 

Wishing everyone a relaxing and rejuvenating day today.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Knitting Fool

Over Christmas I knitted these little beauties and I am just NOW getting to show them off.  Where have I been?!?!?  The girls love theirs so much I had to have a pair of my own ~ and I am happy to say that they are right now keeping my hands warm as I type up this post. ^_^

About a month ago I had the idea to knit a wrap/shawl.  Off to the store I go and three hours later I have needles and some lovely soft cuddly yarn to get me started.  The pattern I chose is Maplehurst and it is a lovely little wrap I found browsing on Ravelry  {a free site with patterns and such for knit and crotchet}

First time using a circular needle and a bit skiddish.  I had to rip this apart three times at different lengths due to dropped stitches, forgot the pattern for a few inches. However I was determined  to finish this project before the weather turned to summer in Texas.

During this project I have found that I really like the cuddly bulky yarn as opposed to the worsted weight.  I also loved watching the girls faces as the piece got longer and longer.  Hubby was so sweet he thought I was some sort of genius for the lovely stripping showing up in the fabric.  I really hated to tell him that the yarn was genius and it was self stripping.
Here it is all done ... 6 balls of yarn later and it is lovely.  I will be sending this out to my Mom for a little just cuz' I love you present.  ^_^  I will be making one for myself  for next winter!

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Monday, February 27, 2012

Keeping busy....

Trying to finish off my reading stole this week with a very simple pattern 
{ row one K; row two K1, *P1 K1 to the end and keep repeating these two rows to achieve the length that you like} 
I do believe that I have managed to mess this pattern up { follow above pattern at your own peril ^_^} The bottom and top edges are different and the front and back are not the same.  No matter, I like how it is turning out and too far into it to fix it ~ sometimes little mistakes can make for a pleasant surprise.

Started reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and I am enchanted from the get go!  I am not even a quarter of the way through but I have decided that this book will definitely be added to my little library ^_^

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~Lost and Found

Live and Love...Out Loud
visit this lovely lady for more Wordless and Wordless/Wordful Wednseday

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I am back

It is nice to be back after weeks  of abx, mountains of tissues, endless kettles of hot tea, gallons of soup and our favorite blanket and books.  

It is heartwarming to be back to reading positive and encouraging posts from the lovely bloggers that I follow after a trying week with family.

I am sorry I do not have any lovely photos, they are trapped in my camera in digital purgatory but I am working on a few things that I am dying to share with you.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Monday, February 6, 2012

Funniest Commercial Evah!!!!

Yesterday was Super Bowl and the best commercial hands down according to 私を is this one!  I laugh EVERY time I see it and now when I hear that song ~ all I see is a dancing Red M&M ^_^ 
What was your favorite commercial?

I hope it brings a smile to your day this Monday.
Wishing Everyone a wonderful week.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cooking Adventure : Yeasted Waffles

Hubby surprised me with a waffle maker  ~ is it sad when I get excited about getting a waffle iron out of the blue?!?!  
 This gift also fueled my obsession with food porn so off to Foodgawker to find a recipe for us to try.  One day I too , will have drool worthy photographs of my food until then I have the snapshots of food made while three hungry little girls stare at you with eyes screaming " Enough photos already Mommy!  I am hungry can I please have my plate?!?!!?

I finally decided to try the Yeasted waffle recipe and well I had a few hiccups with this.  Lesson learned when it calls for a big bowl it means a BIG bowl or else....
 Positive of this little batter explosion.... the go ahead to get some more bowls for my baking / cooking obsession ^_^

I went to bed after I cleaned up the mess with my fingers crossed the the batter will work its magic overnight and I will be able to surprise the Munchkins with light airy waffles.

Look at this lovely waffle!  I know it is not a perfect complete golden brown waffle ~but they come out so pretty and lacy that the girls love to see what shapes they can find

It will also serve as a great foundation for ham and eggs and Hubby will not feel guilty for eating another waffle since they are not heavy.

Have a great day and we hope that you will make these delicious waffles a try this weekend.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi