Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stiches and Dodo's

I have been underneath this huge piece of fabric making my little Koi and flowers come to life while I slowly sweat to death.  Once all four panels are done I hope to have a personal touch to our living room ~ subtle pattern to break up a large color block.

The Eyre Affair is my little escape when the thread has knotted one to many times.  I have just started reading this book and so far so good.  ^_^ 
 Love the part that there is cloning and that the Dodo is no longer extinct and are now back in all of their glory!  It is part of a series of books by Jasper Fforde and stay tuned for a little review.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Friday, June 22, 2012


Look at those HAPPY little faces!!!  

Hubby took today off from work just so he could take all of us to see Disney 's new movie Brave.  We loved it {even Hubby} and would recommend it to boys and girls alike.  It is not your normal princess gets into to trouble, finds prince, falls in love, and lives happily ever after.  I will say that I found it to be a  terrific story about a daughter and her mother and that is all I am going to say so you can go and enjoy the movie for yourself. 

Have a terrific weekend!

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Knock knock...
Exhaustion? Are you home?

We are gearing up to do another round of P90X2 and I really needed this little motivational video and thought that I would share the good feeling.

I am one day closer to my goal than I was yesterday ;)

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Spa treatment Honey Cinnamon Mask

I am always on the lookout for something diy for skin or hair and I found another quick easy face mask/cleaner.  
 Look in your pantry and I am positive you have these guys just sitting there doing nothing until November rolls around for your yearly baking bonanza.  Lets see if we can find some use for them with a home treatment for your lovely skin.
The original recipe called for 2 Tbs of honey and 1 tsp of Nutmeg and Cinnamon.  I found that the combination of these guys created a very pungent aroma that I could not take after about 10 minutes.  The next time I just used 1 Tbs of honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon.

The honey and nutmeg are great for reducing redness and inflammation another plus is that they are great for soothing acne scars and preventing infection.  When you go to wash this off the cinnamon and nutmeg act as an exfoliate for your skin.

 Find a combination that you like and mix together to resemble a paste like mixture ~ looks like mine comes out a bit runny not sure exactly why and will use a tad less honey to see if it helps.

Me with the face mask on waiting the 30 minutes for it to set.  Now since it is a bit on the runny side and I am in a warm house it was a little drippy in the beginning so keep a towel close while you are waiting for this stuff to work its magic.
Our little Munchkins DO NOT like this mask!  Pumpkins cries for me to take it off ~ she says it is scary and her sisters wholeheartedly agreed with her.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Work basket ^_^

Start of a new embroidery project ^_^
Goofing around one day with the girls I sketched this cute little Koi fishy ~ thought he was cute enough to bring to life with yarn.  So right now I am doing a test on how the variegated yarn looks.  If we like it then I will transfer it on to panels for our new living room curtains.  

I have also started a little Shrug for myself since the Munchkins finally have their own.  The yarn was a steal  found a pound of worsted weight yarn for 70 cents!!!!  The color is a plum color and well I needed something other than blue or black in my wardrobe anyway.  Photos to come, promise.

What are you working on this week?

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Monday, June 11, 2012

Music Monday

This is the newest song that the girls have been singing and dancing to.  I know it is a bit old for them and just a bit trippy to have Pumpkin our 6 year old singing ' here's my number ... call me maybe'.  Please do not think poorly of me, but it is summer and sometimes Mama needs a break from the kiddie radio ^_^

Hope everyone has a great week!

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kawaii!!!! Sock Bunny ^_^

Today I raided the Girls sock drawer to find all those lonely and holey socks to make little Sock Bunnies.  I do not have photos of our process since I used up all my batteries taking photos earlier this am while they played Beach ball tag ~ game they made up ^_^

But here are the end results and the Girls could not be happier with how their little Bun Buns turned out.  Plus they are extra special since they did the sewing and stuffing all on their own !!!

Hop on over to Show Tell Share to make some with your little ones ^_^

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Monday, June 4, 2012

Music Monday

This is absolutely beautiful!!! 

The harmony and the acoustics in the church are heavenly.

Have a terrific week ^_^

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Friday ^_^

Close your eyes, lay back, and breath deep to find yourself on a beautiful little patch of white sand with calm clear blue waters.  At least this is what I am doing until I can get back to my beloved ocean.  

Have a terrific weekend!!

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi