Saturday, September 4, 2010

Art in the Park

Very often I get GREAT ideas and for one reason or another I do not act or initiate them.  NoT today!!!!  Squirt LOVES art and I wanted to find a way to nurture this for her.   I would hate for this passion to fall by the way side as she grows older because I did not provide opportunities for her to develop/ enjoy art.  So Art in the Park was born and this is what it looked like....

No prompting necessary... they immediately went to work 

Lovely New watercolors

Squirt's watercolor of a Lilly ;)

Pumpkin painting one of my sketches

Peanut sketch of the gazebo

A little exploring for new things to sketch

Peanut got a hold of my camera ;)

Fruits of our Labor 

The girls had a blast and requested Art in the Park EVERY week ;)  A little self reminder to not have analysis paralysis and just go with an idea that moves me and feels right.

Have a great Holiday weekend ;)

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

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