Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fat Witch Brownies

My cooking adventure today was Brownies :)  and with a name like Fat Witch Brownies how can a girl go wrong?!?!  Well for one, you do not have the bittersweet chocolates but then again when did NOT having all the EXACT ingredients ever stopped me from trying a new recipe!?!?! 

Melt 14 tbs unsalted butter 
{Hubby was like "now we know why the Witch is Fat!" }
and 1/2cups + 2 tbs of chocolate chips 
 {calls for bittersweet chocolate chips Ghradelli but I just used what I had on hand} 

cream together 1 1/4 cup sugar,1 tsp vanilla , 4 eggs

add the cooled chocolate and mix until well blended 

sift into the mixture 1/2 cup unbleached flour plus 2 tbs and a pinch of salt 
{here I used my bleached all purpose that we had on hand}

 gently mix till well blended

 pour into a greased and floured pan and bake at 350 for 33 minutes or till pick comes out clean
cool for an hour  then....
Serve with milk and ....

listen to all the nummy noises your little ones will make ;)

okay she has lashes that would make a giraffe jealous, I know that I am!

To get a printable version please visit Plain Chicken and make a batch for your ones ;)

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi



    Brownies are my favorite!

    We did sweet Halloween treats today for Share a Spoon. Please feel free to link if you like!

  2. Mmmm, I love brownies!!
