Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bedtime Stories

All this week at the girls school there is a Book Fair and the theme  in every classroom is Bedtime Stories.  So I thought Why Not post what we are reading as our bedtime story.  With girls 7,5,and 4 they have somewhat outgrown, I should say have memorized, Dr. Seuss for a night time story and I usually end up reading two or three. I know, can we say push over?!?  That is when I decided to read them a fairly large chapter book, you know something that would take a few weeks to get through.  For the first one we  picked out The Sisters Grimm The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley.  Pumpkin and I picked this up at the library and since they loved it so much  I broke down and bought the paperback for our Little Mochi library.  We have made it to chapter four and the girls love it!  It is a tiny bit scary for Pumpkin and there are parts that are "make me laugh out loud funny"!  It is so much fun for me to see the girls when I use "my" British and Grandma voice, they think it is great and it really brings them into the story a bit more.  I am so happy with this book it has sisters, fairy tale characters, mystery, and an eccentric Granny. Come on!  What more can a little munchkin want in a bedtime story.  The one thing that I LOVE, four girls snuggled into a bed giggling and getting a little frightened as we follow the Grimm Sisters on their adventure.

Ja matta ne,
Little Mochi

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